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Glenville State College Earns Green Light for University Status and Approval to Offer Master’s Programs from WVHEPC
During its Friday, December 10 meeting, the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (WVHEPC) approved several milestone items relating to Glenville State College.
Higher Education Policy Commission members approved the implementation of two graduate-level programs, a Master of Arts in Education and a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction. The programs, with enrollment expected to begin in the fall 2022 semester, will mark the first time graduate level coursework has been offered at Glenville State. The Higher Learning Commission already approved both programs in November 2021.
The WVHEPC also granted the designation of university status for Glenville State College. Criteria for university status, as set by the Higher Education Policy Commission, includes offering at least one master’s-level degree program, having an approved mission statement which provides for the offering of graduate programs, approval of the Higher Learning Commission to offer any master’s degree program, and for at least two-thirds of tenured and tenured track faculty to hold the terminal degree, typically the doctorate.
“This is a momentous occasion for Glenville State College,” said President, Dr. Mark A. Manchin. “These approvals from the Higher Education Policy Commission are among the final steps in what will be a significant advancement in the future of our institution. We feel these changes not only honor our past, but also directly reflect the mission of Glenville State and will truly impact the future of West Virginia and its residents.”
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) will be a 36–48-hour credit course of study, varying by certification area. The program offers the opportunity to acquire an initial teaching license in the areas of Elementary Education (K-6), Biology (9-Adult), Chemistry (9-Adult), English (5-Adult), General Science (5-Adult), Mathematics (5-Adult), Social Studies (5-Adult), and Music (Pre-K-Adult).
The Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction (MACI) program will offer advanced education opportunities for teachers and educators who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in education and have a teaching license or certificate of instruction.
Coursework for both master’s programs will be fully online. The MACI program will include 30 semester hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. Courses will be offered every 7.5 weeks in the fall and spring with a total of four terms between fall and spring and one full term in summer.
“There are currently no MAT programs being offered in Central West Virginia. Therefore, offering this graduate program at Glenville State will create a direct link between undergraduate and graduate-level education for current students, which is not only a natural fit for many of our preservice teachers, but is also more convenient,” said Glenville State College Provost, Dr. Gary Morris. “The Curriculum and Instruction program will provide a great opportunity for career advancement for those who have already earned their bachelor’s degree in education.”
Following university status approval from the WVHEPC, the Glenville State College Board of Governors will now affirm the new designation and set a date for the official name change. The West Virginia Legislature will also take up legislation to change any institutional references in state code to reflect the new name. Both are expected to take place in the new year.
“I appreciate the confidence that the Higher Education Policy Commission has shown in us throughout this process and beyond. We’re excited to be celebrating our 150th anniversary in 2022 and we look forward the next 150 years,” Manchin added.
Higher Education Policy Commission members approved the implementation of two graduate-level programs, a Master of Arts in Education and a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction. The programs, with enrollment expected to begin in the fall 2022 semester, will mark the first time graduate level coursework has been offered at Glenville State. The Higher Learning Commission already approved both programs in November 2021.
The WVHEPC also granted the designation of university status for Glenville State College. Criteria for university status, as set by the Higher Education Policy Commission, includes offering at least one master’s-level degree program, having an approved mission statement which provides for the offering of graduate programs, approval of the Higher Learning Commission to offer any master’s degree program, and for at least two-thirds of tenured and tenured track faculty to hold the terminal degree, typically the doctorate.
“This is a momentous occasion for Glenville State College,” said President, Dr. Mark A. Manchin. “These approvals from the Higher Education Policy Commission are among the final steps in what will be a significant advancement in the future of our institution. We feel these changes not only honor our past, but also directly reflect the mission of Glenville State and will truly impact the future of West Virginia and its residents.”
The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) will be a 36–48-hour credit course of study, varying by certification area. The program offers the opportunity to acquire an initial teaching license in the areas of Elementary Education (K-6), Biology (9-Adult), Chemistry (9-Adult), English (5-Adult), General Science (5-Adult), Mathematics (5-Adult), Social Studies (5-Adult), and Music (Pre-K-Adult).
The Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction (MACI) program will offer advanced education opportunities for teachers and educators who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in education and have a teaching license or certificate of instruction.
Coursework for both master’s programs will be fully online. The MACI program will include 30 semester hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. Courses will be offered every 7.5 weeks in the fall and spring with a total of four terms between fall and spring and one full term in summer.
“There are currently no MAT programs being offered in Central West Virginia. Therefore, offering this graduate program at Glenville State will create a direct link between undergraduate and graduate-level education for current students, which is not only a natural fit for many of our preservice teachers, but is also more convenient,” said Glenville State College Provost, Dr. Gary Morris. “The Curriculum and Instruction program will provide a great opportunity for career advancement for those who have already earned their bachelor’s degree in education.”
Following university status approval from the WVHEPC, the Glenville State College Board of Governors will now affirm the new designation and set a date for the official name change. The West Virginia Legislature will also take up legislation to change any institutional references in state code to reflect the new name. Both are expected to take place in the new year.
“I appreciate the confidence that the Higher Education Policy Commission has shown in us throughout this process and beyond. We’re excited to be celebrating our 150th anniversary in 2022 and we look forward the next 150 years,” Manchin added.
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What you need to know:
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What this means for you is that when you hit the print button, you're going to be whisked away to a new page where you will see a print preview. At the top of this preview you will see the print button on the left, options to increase the text size and image size in the middle and an X on the right, to close the preview.
As you move your mouse around the preview you'll also notice that when you hover over text or an image that a yellow bar will appear. On that bar you'll see a little trash can, if you click that trash can you can delete that item from your print preview, meaning that it will no longer print on the page. Using this method you can remove all unwanted content from your print preview before you hit the final print button so you don't end up with a bunch of content you don't want.
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